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New Hearing Aids Have Features You Wouldn't Believe

These Next Generation Hearing Aids Are Changing Lives Across The UK

Alice Evans
11 May 2023

✓ Virtually invisible in the ear

✓ Amazing sound quality
✓ Seamlessly connect to hearing loops
✓ Long-lasting battery life
✓ Incredibly easy to operate

Modern Hearing Solutions for a Modern Lifestyle

Oticon Intent™ goes beyond simply amplifying sound.

BrainHearing™ technology intelligently analyses your surroundings, prioritising speech and reducing background noise, so you can focus on what matters most. These sleek devices can even double as wireless headphones, seamlessly connecting to your phone or TV.

"If you’ve noticed a change in your hearing, don’t put off having a hearing test. Hearing care is an important part of your healthcare needs and you shouldn’t ignore it."

Dr Hilary Jones

GP and Medical Broadcaster

Take the First Step to Rediscovering Clear Sound

Don't let hearing loss stop you from leading a fulfilling life.

Schedule a free consultation with a hearing professional today. They can assess your hearing needs and help you find the perfect solution for you to reconnect with the world around you.

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“Within 10 minutes of having these new hearing aids fitted, I went to a coffee shop to test them. I knew straight away that they were far superior. I was absolutely thrilled."

Sandra Pierce, 58